Rescatada 16.6.09 o cómo no tener la oportunidad de ser oportuno


Two of us on a plane, that's falling down today.
We had to end somehow but I never thought it could be like this,be like this.

This is your chance to start a new life without me.
Don't worry about this, it's easy to find me on fridays.

I got an idea, start a new life without me.
Just let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

I got things to do by myself, to break us up is one of them.
It's hard to say what I feel,
so why don't you choose the words for me, words for me.

This is your chance to start a new life without me.
Don't worry about this, it's easy to find me on fridays.

I got an idea, start a new life without me.
Just let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

About cars,about girls, about wine, about faith.

This is your chance to start a new life without me.
Don't worry about this, it's easy to find me on fridays.

I got an idea, start a new life without me.
Just let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

Now this is your chance, this is your chance.
Now this is your chance, this is your chance.
Now this is your chance, this is your chance.

"Es mejor estar preparado para una oportunidad y no tenerla,
que tener una oportunidad y no estar preparado."
Whithey Young, hijo


(Del lat. opportunĭtas, -ātis).

1. f. Sazón, coyuntura, conveniencia de tiempo y de lugar.

2. f. pl. Sección de un comercio en la que se ofrecen artículos

a un precio más bajo del que normalmente tienen.


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